My Column: Weathers Of The Heart

Elisabeth Kubler Ross said in her famous quote,’ People are like stained – glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.’ And I will say this inner light is the power behind all the creativity or art…all modes of art, which makes the word a beautiful place to live in. Art not only introduces us to whatever is beautiful, teaches us whatever is heirloom, is worthwhile for generations to be practiced and preserved; because it is the eternal fountain of beauty and wisdom. Otherwise our all saints and prophets, wise and philosophers, poets and writers wouldn’t have sweated over it all their life.
We have concentrated and tried to unravel the psyche of this creativity in this issue with some old and new write ups. Hope you will enjoy this beautiful and thought provoking issue.

Our next issue is on Depression; other side of the coin. An ever increasing disease and dark side of modern Society. Rich or poor it is affecting us all. Even children are not spared from it. Such are the pressures of a very fast and competitive modern society. How to deal with it, what helped you in your darkest hours, your thoughts in the form of poems, stories and articles or even in a simple coherent write up, are most welcomed.

Last date to send is 20’th of October at the e.mail: or

Wishing you all the best for your creativity,
Your very own
Lekhni/लेखनी e.zine

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