London, 20 March 2021: Organized under the aegis of the Central Institute of Hindi, the annual international Vatayan Awards ceremony was held on a virtual platform but with the same splendour and magnificence as it has always been held at the House of Lords/The Nehru Center-London every year since 2004, in which the Vatayan’s Life time Achievement Award was conferred on Dr Usha Priyamvada, the eminent novelist
and the former professor of South Asian Department at the University of WisconsinMadison and the Vatayan Literary Award was conferred on the well-known TV presenter and noted author Alka Sinha in the presence of Mr Virendra Sharma, MP, Mr Anil Sharma Joshi, Vice President of the Central Hindi Institute-Agra, who is also an eminent author, diplomat, critic, Dr Rohini Agarwal, eminent writer and critic, Dr Beena Sharma of Central Hindi Institute-Agra, Divya Mathur, founder of Vatayan and Mira Misra Kaushik OBE, creator/director of contemporary performances, Chairperson of
Vatayan and Dr Padmesh Gupta, well-known writer, founder of the UK Hindi Samiti, ‘Purvai’ and director of Oxford Business College.
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