Kids’Corner: A Panchtantra Story & a Poem by Shail Agrawal

Act in haste and repent at leisure

Once upon a time there was a farmer who lived happily with his wife. Soon they were blessed with a son and decided to get a mongoose as a companion for the baby.
few months later, the couple had to go out, leaving their son at home. While the wife was worried about leaving the baby alone, the farmer assured her that the mongoose would look after him while they were away.

The farmer’s wife returned earlier than her husband and found that the mongoose’s mouth was stained with blood. She immediately imagined the worst, and in a fit of rage threw a heavy stone at the mongoose. She then rushed in to check on her son, but what she found was a dead snake lying in the room while her baby was safe and sound. Seeing this, the farmer’s wife realised that the mongoose had actually saved her son’s life. Realising her mistake, she went out to see if the animal was all right, but it was too late and the mongoose was already dead. She was absolutely heartbroken and repented in tears for her hurried action.

Love laugh and live together
Give to the needy
Whatever little or more you have
This is the magic of a good life
Which keeps friends so many.

Shail Agrawal

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