My Column/ October-November 2015

My columnAutumn is the season, when gloom begins to  take over our earth; with falling leaves and bleak, gray sky… a totally blank and bare landscape meets our eyes. Naturally  a season when our thoughts start to turn towards light and warmth. In our longing and lack of it, we even start to celebrate the light. This issue is no exception; we have assembled two joyful poems on light by Tagore and Emily Dickinson and a poignant one by Dylan Thomas.

Kid’s story is on Diwali . And two beautiful poems by Birmingham’s poetess Tanya Bolton . Your feedback will be most welcome!

Lekhni’s December/ January issue is on refugee crisis and problems caused by this .

Human civilizations has been a continuous flow of people from one place to another . They move sometimes due to the threat to their lives and sometime just to seek better opportunities and fortune.  Difference between a refugee and a migrant is that ‘refugee’ is asking for a shelter, while a migrant is trying to settle himself. One is totally helpless while other armed with a skill has a plan.Today in a war torn and divided by hatred, a  out-proportioned crisis has developed called ‘ Refugee Crisis’.  Europeans are saying that Europe has been invaded. Will you like to share your ideas in a creative form on the subject ? Your positive and honest views are welcome in the form of an article, poem or a story. Last day for submission is November 20’th by e.mail-

Wishing all Lekhni’s reader’s a happy, prosperous and joyous Diwali !

passport sizeShail Agrawal.

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