Often life doesn’t serve what we wish or desire. Often we get entangled in the situations which has got nothing to do with us. Often this innocence may lead to a mental limbo, like Shakespeare’s Hamlet and we keep on asking ourselves, how could we have handled the given situation better.
I this issue of Lekhni, we are tackling life’s dilemmas both moral and real.
What it is which makes us obsessed with an idea, hobby or person, even a place?
How we choose our idols and heroes? Why we need them; to guide or just for inspirational comfort?
There are many interesting articles, stories and poems in both English and Hindi section.
Hope you will enjoy reading our assemble.
Next issue of Lekhni is on sharing, sharing your thoughts and memoirs in a creative way, In the form of poetry, article or a story even. Last date for submission is twentieth of February by e mail at shailagrawal@hotmail.com or shailagrawala@gmail.com.
Wishing all our Lekhni readers and contributors a very happy new year ahead.
Shail Agrawal