My Column: Lonely Planet

We bring them up with most love and care, provide them with the best, we can afford, yet why there seems to be an unsurmountable rift between adult and children in this fast communication age? Why they prefer to be shut in their own room with their mobiles in their hands, gazing screen , often with no specific purpose then sitting with parents and watching television with parents, playing games with them , going out for a walk! Why they have started to find more solace and comfort in solitude, have we ever thought?
Indeed our world is turning into a lonely planet, where every body has barricaded the cells of there mind and heart. But we cannot let apples of our eyes rot this way! And this issue Of ‘Lekhni’ is a small step in this direction to mend this rift between kids and grown up. Hope both will like and appreciate the poems and stories we have assimilated from a wide age group; Your feedback will be most appreciated.
In the next issue which marks Lekhni’s 17’th birthday, we are celebrating Spring ; Season of love, beauty and fruitfulness. Your thoughts, articles , poems and stories are invited asp. Last date for submission is 20th Februrary on
Hope to see you again in the first week of March with an exciting and breezy new issue. Till then take care and look after yourself.
Yours’ Sincerely

Shail Agrawal.
1a, Blackroot Rd, Sutton Coldfield

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