I deny
Growing up
receiving and giving untruth
in cool,
turning mature
and leaning towards cunningness
keeping polished smile.
Growing up
denying innocence,
denying the natural thrust
masking it
under perfumed costume.
Under blue sky
spread of stars and moon
on open terrace,
there is no place for grown ups.
there is no place for grown ups
in garden,
in melancholy room
where you and I sit
and listen Santur recital.
I deny growing up,
disowning myself
for any good reason,
or tomorrow…
I doubt.
I love to allow
roling on my face
out of
joy and grief,
for grown up people
it is
neither a need
a possibility.
I shout loudly the forbidden name
which gives me life
I believe very much jn such rejuvenation.
I wonder
any grown up
can keep such believe.
I see dreams,
witness some face in clouds
and earn delight,
Do you know any grown up
with such silly traits ?,
I doubt.
Ashok Gupta
Nice poem.